Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Livingston Hospital and the Medical Staff have adopted the following statement of patient rights.
At Livingston Hospital we consider you a partner in your healthcare. When you are well informed, participate in your treatment decisions and communicate openly with your doctor and other healthcare professionals. You make your care as effective as possible. We encourage respect for the personal preferences and values of each individual. While you are a patient in the hospital, your rights and responsibilities include the following:
As a patient you have the right to
Emergency Care
Livingston Hospital Compliance Officer HOT LINE answering machine at 270-988-2007
To the Quality Department at 270-988-72930
To the Chief Nursing Officer at 270-988-7273
To the CEO at 270-988-7236
In writing to:
Livingston Hospital
131 Hospital Drive
Salem Ky 42078
As a patient it is your resposibility to
Provide Pertinent Information
At Livingston Hospital we consider you a partner in your healthcare. When you are well informed, participate in your treatment decisions and communicate openly with your doctor and other healthcare professionals. You make your care as effective as possible. We encourage respect for the personal preferences and values of each individual. While you are a patient in the hospital, your rights and responsibilities include the following:
As a patient you have the right to
Emergency Care
- You have the right to emergency treatment to stabilize your condition if presented to the hospital emergency department
- Individuals shall be given impartial access to treatment regardless of your age, race, color, national origin, culture, ethnicity, language, socioeconomic status, religion, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, or manner of payment
- To ask for a change of provider or a second opinion
- To make advance directives and have them followed, subject to limitations required by applicable law or medical standards
- To have your Family or representative notified of your admission if requested
- To Know the rules and regulations of the facility regarding your care and conduct
- To know the names and professional titles of your care team
- To know if your care team is in training
- To have your bill explained to you
- To be told the information about your health conditional to make involved informed decisions related to your care at all stages of your care
- To understand your diagnosis, condition and treatment plan to make informed decisions after being advised the risks, benefits and alternative treatments alternatives
- To be given the knowledge to refuse care, treatment or services offered
- To know and say yes or no to treatment that is considered experimental or becoming a part of a medical research program
- To legally appoint someone as medical decision maker
- To formulate a medical advanced directive and have properly executed advanced directive honored
- You should have a copy of your advanced directive provided to the hospital, your family and retain one for yourself in order to ensure your wishers are carried out in the event you can not speak for your self
- To have your personal dignity respected.
- To the confidentiality of your identifiable health information
- To expect all communications and care records, including source of payment for treatment rendered, to be treated as confidential
- To review his/her medical records subject to applicable federal or state laws.
- To enjoy your personal privacy and safe care as much as we can in our environment. Let us know if we need to restrict your visitors
- To receive visitors of your choice for support where appropriate and designated by you (including same sex partner or domestic partner) You have the right to withdraw your consent for visitors at any time. Some situations visitation may be restricted, you will be kept informed of these conditions if they apply
- You have the right to be free from all types of abuse or harassment
- To know that restraints will be used only to ensure immediate physical safety of patients and staff in accordance with established laws
- You have the right to be free from seclusion and restraints for behavior management
- To have your cultural, psychological, spiritual, and personal values and beliefs respected
- To access pastoral and spiritual services of your choice
- To have access to your religious clothes and other materials within the hospital policy
- To have information given in a form you can understand
- To have access to an interpreter at no charge
- To know the reason for your transfer within the hospital or to another facility
- To know the relationships the hospital has with outside agencies
- To be able to access your medical record in a time frame of reason in a format of your choice
- To be able to request an amendment to your medical information within a reasonable time
- To provide prior consent to recording or filming to be used externally
- To receive a reasonable response to request for services
- To be involved in resolution of issues involving your care
- To express concern, complaint or grievances to your hospital personal.
- Request response from front line provider for immediate resolution of any care concern or complaint.
Livingston Hospital Compliance Officer HOT LINE answering machine at 270-988-2007
To the Quality Department at 270-988-72930
To the Chief Nursing Officer at 270-988-7273
To the CEO at 270-988-7236
In writing to:
Livingston Hospital
131 Hospital Drive
Salem Ky 42078
As a patient it is your resposibility to
Provide Pertinent Information
- To give your care team complete and accurate information about your health
- To provide completed health history to include all previous medical care and conditions
- To inform us of all of your medications you take including over the counter medications and supplements
- To inform us of any changes in your symptoms or conditions
- To provide the healthcare provider with up to date information on your health care coverage
- To educate yourself on your own plan rules regulations including coverage and referral rules, appropriate processes and the process by which you can file an appeal for coverage decisions
- Report any wrongdoing and fraud to appropriate resources
- To let us know if you do not understand any information given to you about your treatment by any provider
- To speak up and ask questions or express concerns as soon as possible to any care team member you can, they will get the information to the correct person
- Don’t stop asking until you are satisfied your concern is addressed
- By refusing to follow instructions or treatments plan you are to understand you must accept that there will be consequences related to refusal
- To follow the rules and regulations of the facility
- To keep your scheduled appointments and let your care team know if the appointment needs to be changed
- To leave you personal belongings at home or with family members/ Valuables are the responsibility of the patient
- To be respectful of others
- To respect the rights of other patients, visitors and care team members
- To abide by the Rules of LHHS and laws
- Work with your Doctors and Nurses and Care team members to meet your requests
- Follow instructions
- Notify your care team members if you do not understand any instructions
- Ask questions, learn about your
- Health Conditions
- Medication
- Procedures
- Diet
- Pain management techniques
- Keeping all appointments and following discharge instructions for follow up care
- Ask questions about your bill if you do not understand
- You are responsible for fulfilling your financial obligations for care received in a timely manner